Pada saat Kris Birthday Party 6 nov 2012 ternyata ada KRAY moment lho..nih aq kasih fanaccount nya lengkap, cekidottt >>>
Fanaccount Kris EXO-M Birthday Party Compilation:
The rest of the 5 members appeared
first, then the fans kept shouting for kris . He slowly came out
hugging/holding his alpaca. #Teteeep
si alpaca gak ketinggalan
He was wearing a red jacket,
knitted sweater and black jeans. It seems like he dyed his hair again.
youngest became the oldest so Kris became the youngest. Second brother
Chen then told Xiumin to hurry up in the bathroom in the future so that
Luhan won’t be able to get on his bed. Luhan then replied, “no way,
hyung” #kemungkinan
Xiumin luluran saat mandi makanya lama, sabar ya Chen...ya ampun,
Luhan2.. sampe segitunya gak mau tempat tidurnya di sentuh org lain, jd
ingat saat pas manager mereka dtg trus dia duduk di ranjang Luhan (luhan
diam aja krn dia takut sama managernya) tapi pas manager mereka pulang
si Luhan langsung mencuci sprei nya,LOL
Tao said Luhan is a “crazy frog” and Luhan told him “Get lost!” #Maknae asli dan maknae palsu pun bertengkar =,=
Everything worn by Kris today are gifts from the members. The two necklaces are from Tao and Luhan, Tao said it was really expensive. Kris also felt apologetic that he couldn’t show the underwear Chen gave him.#hahaahaa.. Chen ngasih hadiah boxer ke Kris,LOL
Lay was holding the alpaca most of the time, Kris imitated ACE (his son/the alpaca) as if it was talking, saying “Lay saranghaeyo, i hate my daddy” #halaahhh..Kris ngaku aja deh yg mau ngomong saranghaeyo(aku cinta kamu) itu kamu sendiri kan? pke acara pura2 klo ACE yg ngomong segala lg -,-
Lay’s gift to Kris was a letter. # ciee...yg dapet surat cintaaaaa pst sekarang lg senyum2 baca suratnya
When asked about the most treasure item, Kris said it was the fans’ letters and as compared to presents, he appreciates letters more. This time during his birthday fans compiled letters into a book so he really likes it. Lay added that when letters are read, they stay in his mind while when he sees presents, he gets reminded of the person who gave it to him. #yap, bener bgt dan Lay ingin di ingat2 juga makanya hadiahnya ke Kris adalah surat.
Kris brought his alpaca in sunglasses to the birthday party today, he named it ace and claimed that it’s his son and also the newest member of EXO. He also said that it’s his (the alpaca’s) birthday, and during the fansigning, he signed “little ace” as well. #akhirnya nama tu boneka diresmikan juga =,=
Kris greeted the fans in English and told them [say my name!] #"KRIS MY LOVELY!!!"
Kris ate the cake from EXO’s DC and kept silent for around 10 seconds so fans asked if it didn’t taste good. Kris replied, “no no, it’s really really good” # 10 dtk?? lama amat
(About Kris eating eel) Kris said eel is good for man and that (he eats it) IT’S BECAUSE FOR ALL OF YOU. (what’s this supposed to mean Kevin Li -..-)
Chen said he gave Kris underwear, and everyone told Kris to show it! Then Luhan started yelling “no!” and later he said he picked out the underwear and Chen bought it.#hahaha.. q hanya bayangin saat Chen dan Luhan lg shopping di mall tuk membeli hadiah ultah Kris trus Chen mau ngasih daleman gitu tapi Chen bingung mau pilih yg mana, lalu Luhan muncul trus bilang "yg ini aja Chen, lucu deh, ada gmbr naganya trus warna pink pula,Kris pasti suka". "oh, oke aq beli yg ini,thanks hyung!" XD
Members voiced things they wanted to say to Kris. Chen: Through the past year, I’m thankful to the leader for letting the members be together really cooperatively.
Yixing didn’t know how to say “God” in Korean, so he asked Lu Han and Luhan asked Kris and Kris asked Xiu Min. And in the end Lu Han said to Xiu Min “God!” and everyone understood (what they were trying to figure out). #klo ada videonya pasti moment ini kocak bgt
They were saying about Kris and Xiumin, and that Kris is tall, handsome and multilingual. Tao then said Xiu Min is exactly the opposite and Xiu Min said “Why are you like that? See you later at dorm.” Kris said how about Xiu Min be the leader instead and Xiu Min said he can’t. Tao then said actually he’s eyeing this position for a very long time, so let him be the leader. Kris said “No Way” #wah.. Tao bakal di jitak2 abis tuh ma Xiumin di dorm ^_^. Tao km lebih cocok jd maknae yg imut , ok!!
Kris’ son, the alpaca is called ace because Kris initially wanted to use that as his stage name~ He allowed ace to speak and then used a kiddy voice to call out “daddy daddy~ daddy is really tall.” Chen spoke saying that the voice sounded like a criminal’s voice broadcasted during the news, the 4 chinese members didn’t get the joke and everyone fell silent. LOL You Troll Jongdae XD # ini 2 orang Kris dan Chen mendingan sebaiknya cepet2 di bawa ke rumah sakit deh sblm terlambat =,=
Words members wanted to say to Kris. Lay: This is an affinity given by god. #ehmm. cie cie...maksud Lay disini "Kris adalah teman yg paling berharga yg Tuhan berikan padanya" WOW!!!
Today when choosing questions, the question Lu Han choose was for Kris to act cute. Xiumin said the question was perfect. Then Lu Han started to high five the other members and celebrate. And then everyone told Lu Han and Xiumin to together do aeygo. #ujung2nya dia sendiri yg lakuin aeygo -_-
EXO-M entered but Kris wasn’t there so Xiumin said that from today onwards, he would be the leader of EXO-M. Just then Kris appeared with a spectacled alpaca in hand. # tadi katanya gak mau jd leader, plin-plan baozi -,-
Tao spoke to Lay in informal language, telling him not to injure his waist again and if he does, he’ll whack him (he made the beating gesture). Yixing then imitated Tao’s “kamsahamnida” because when Tao’s Korean was still imperfect the way he said that was really special) #wow, TaoLay moment. Tao ternyata perhatian ma Lay, Tao gak mau melihat Lay sakit lagi kyak kmaren itu.
When the party was almost over, everyone stood up, but the fans told them to sit back down. And then starting from Kris they sat down in order of tallest to shortest. After Tao sat down, Luhan sat. Xiumin told Luhan to get up, and Luhan laughed and said, “I’m the tallest~~” #so cuteee luhan..
During the informal talk segment, Chen asked Luhan: “Ya Luhan I have a request, can you let me sit on your bed just once?” Luhan answered: “Hyung, no way~ Anything but this” so Chen replied saying: “Is our relationship not even worth a bed …” Just then, Xiumin brought it to a stop #penasaran sama kata2 selanjutnya yg Chen mau bilang tp keburu di bekap Xiumin
Yixing chose the question: The most touching moment you’ve experienced. Kris answered the most touching moment was when he met Yixing. The fans protested and Yixing said it’s possible, because there were no chinese trainees, so when they first met a chinese, it was a very touching moment. Plus Kris and tall and handsome, they might become friends. Yixing’s birthday message to Kris was to thank god for allowing him to meet Duizhang. #terimakasih Tuhan.. karena kau telah mempertemukan Kris dan Lay dan menjadikan mereka lebih dari sekedar teman...(yg lain pada kocak2an pas giliran KrisLay malah serius2an),btw, Lay kyaknya bersyukur bgt ya bisa bertemu dgn Kris sampe bilang "Terima kasih Tuhan telah mempertemukan aq dgn Duizhang"
In the end Kris said that actually today is also the manager’s birthday and he called the manager onto stage. Manager seemed a little shy but in the end he got on stage, the both of them were wearing a couple suit! When they were done with the birthday song the manager ran off stage embarrassingly.#manager oppa galak2 tp ada sifat pemalunya jg ternyata ^_^
Chen and Xiumin allowed Tao to speak to them in half formal language today. Tao enjoyed this privilege to the very last moment. Everytime after saying something harsh, he would apologize and plead them not to beat him when they get home. When he shouted Lay’s name, Lay replied with “Brother Tao!” # Tao lebih suka ngomong pke bahasa informal ya? ya memang dia kadang2 lupa nambahin embel2 "hyung" klo dia manggil member lain padahal dia maknae (evil maknae) -,-
Kris said that he wants to be the lead dancer of EXO-M and that he currently has his eyes on that position.# make a wish Kris ada2 aja, maksud km apa mau rebut posisi Lay?
When Kris was asked why he didn’t like seafood, Kris said that when his mum was pregnant, to make him smarter she ate fish everyday and he felt that it was really fishy but since he was in his womb he could not resist it. Other members complained that he has been eating eel a lot lately so he said it was because the fans really love eating eel. Everyone burst into laughter and he realized his mistake too so he smiled with his head bent. Chen said Kris blushed so he lifted his head to explain that eel is good for the body so he’s eating it for the stage’s sake.
Kris asked Xiumin where his birthday present was and Xiumin replied “it’s a secret…recently I haven’t been very financially stable” #Palingan produk cream wajah terbaru -.-
Tao thanked Lay, because Lay carried him to the hospital one time when his stomach hurt a lot. Tao didn’t know how to say “carried” in Korean, so he accidentally said “tied him up” #TaoLay moment again, Lay jg ternyata perhatian ma Tao, saat perut Tao sakit Lay lah yg membawanya ke rumah sakit T_T
cr: KluKris, 小智MAX, DC, so_yeol, 生菜蝈蝈,kriScorpio吴亦凡个站, Trust Luhan, clovergj, 生菜蝈蝈
Btw, aq nemuin fanaccount lain. di baca yaaaaa....
[Complete Fanaccount] 121106 Kris Birthday Party (Part
source: DC-옥만두
Kris was the only one who did not appear. The members called out to
him loudly. Then Kris appeared wearing his sunglasses while holding his
stuffed alpaca which was dressed in a blue scarf. He was supposed to
greet everyone like a rapper, so he came in and went out again. He made
his second appearance and knocked fists with the members, and yelled
“LET’S PARTY, LADIES~~~ CALL MY NAME!!” and made the atmosphere in the
room feel really lively.Today’s MC was Chen, and Xiumin warmly introduced him as the MC. Chen was being very considerate to the chinese fans, and whenever something was said he let the members repeat it in chinese too.
Kris said the alpaca toy was his son, and its name was Ace. Then he went on to say that before they debuted, he really wanted the name Ace as a stage name but he got “Kris” instead. So now, his alpaca toy would now substitute him and be named Ace, and become EXO-M’s 7th member. Throughout the birthday party, Kris was always holding on to the alpaca toy, and Lay and Lu Han would sometimes take turns to hold it too.
Because Kris mentioned that he wanted to call himself “Ace”, everyone sang the birthday song like this “To our dearest Ace Kris, Happy Birthday to you~”.
The cake was then presented. It was the cake from DC, a three-tiered fondant cake. Xiumin was curiously looking closely at the cake, and asked if the decorations were edible. He then tried eating one of the decorations, and spat it out after. Lu Han pressed the third tier of the fondant cake and it became distorted. Kris then informed the fans that the cake was ruined, and Lu Han apologized saying ‘I thought the cake was really hard..” and tried eating the outer layer of the cake.
Then it was time to light the candles and make a wish. Kris sang “Genie” while he happily walked towards the cake. He took a long time to talk about his wishes, and Chen said “The chocolate is going to melt!”. In order to prevent the candles from going out, the members did a lot to control the situation. Chen said “It has already become incense! And today is supposed to be a birthday..”. Kris said he wants to be together like this again next year, the year after that and so on. He didn’t forget to mention Ace too, who was having its birthday today too. He imitated Ace’s voice and talked. Chen said his voice sounded like it had undergone a voice change (like those used in the news when criminals are talking to prevent recognition of their voices), but none of the other members understood what he meant. So Chen proceeded to give a detailed explanation. Lu Han looked blank the whole time, and merely nodded his head.
[Complete Fanaccount] 121106 Kris Birthday Party (Part
source: DC-옥만두
Kris showed the fans what he wore today, and said “Actually, I
didn’t want to wear this today.. but it does suit me a lot!”. His outfit
was a collection of presents from the members; the necklace was given
to him by Tao, his shirt was given to him by Lu Han. Then Chen asked
“How are you going to show my present to everyone?”. Kris said he really
wanted to show this particular present to everyone, because it is
really nice to see. So all the fans started pestering them to show it.
Xiumin then said “Do you guys even know what it is, being like this..”.
Kris finally revealed that Chen gave him underwear. Lu Han emphasised
that the underwear was picked by him, but paid for by Chen.Lay wrote a letter to Kris. Xiumin was the only one who did not prepare a gift for Kris. Kris asked Xiumin where his gift was, and Xiumin answered “Secret~”, and then he went on to say that his finances are not in a really good situation now, and that he would only buy a gift when he has the money. While he was saying this, he used his hands to demonstrate putting in a coin.
After that, Kris proceeded to give a birthday speech. Everyone asked him to have fun saying it, and Kris said he is not having fun. Then Xiumin added “Then shout! After shouting you will feel happier”. Kris said he was only joking. Then he playfully shouted like this “Ururururururung~”.
Kris said he has seen many of his presents, and before going to bed at night he listens to all the fan-made songs for him. Even though he can’t speak well (the members interjected here and said that he speaks really well), but he is always thankful. Then he said “Didn’t I always ask you guys to keep my aegyo a secret in the past? But don’t keep my heartfelt speech a secret today, please spread it around”.
Then it was time for every member to say something to him. Tao said that even though he was really tired the day before, he still managed to diligently write a letter to Kris, and brought it out. Xiumin quickly went over and opened it, and said “It’s written in korean!”. The fans all went “Whoa~”, then Xiumin added “But why can’t I understand a word?”. It was later revealed that Xiumin was only joking and the letter was actually written in chinese. He opened it and showed it to everyone; it was really written in chinese. They had originally wanted to read the letter on the spot, but decided not to in the end, and the both of them hugged each other. Kris and Tao were blocking Xiumin from the front as they were talking to each other, and Xiumin said “Go talk at the side, the both of you are too tall” and pushed the both of them away.
Next was Chen. Chen said that Kris has helped him a lot, and the fans were laughing at this moment. He said “I am being really serious here!”, and went on to say “We have been together for a year and a half now, we even spent last year’s birthday together.” And they gave each other an emotional hug too.
When it was Xiumin’s turn, he immediately said “Kris I really admire you, you have everything that I lack,” and pointed out Kris’s height, looks and ability to speak three languages. Tao then said “You are the exact opposite of Kris..”. Xiumin first nodded his head, and then said “How can you do this to me?”
Kris said that he actually admires Xiumin too, and Xiumin asked “For what?”, and the fans at the front row said “Your short stature”, and everyone burst out laughing. Kris then said that Xiumin is actually the handsomest in his eyes. Xiumin then swayed his head from side to side, in a proud manner, and Kris added that this is only his own personal view. Xiumin said “It’s fine, as long as you consider me handsome its enough.” Kris was surprised at this response and asked him “Are you only saying nice things to me because you didn’t prepare me a gift?” Xiumin said no, and added that it has been tough for Kris as a leader, and how he’s been good to everyone. Kris then asked everyone, “What if Xiumin were to become the leader?”. The whole place went silent for 3 seconds until Xiumin said “Didn’t I say I will not become the leader?” Tao was listening to this quietly, then he suddenly said “If that position is vacant let me be the leader then.” Kris told him “Why don’t we let Ace (the Alpaca) be the leader? It is not possible for you, even Ace is stronger than you.”
Lu Han said he understands that being a leader is difficult, and it will be more difficult in the future. While he has offered a lot of help to Kris now, he will try to offer more help to Kris in the future.
After Lay said what he had to say to Kris, came the question segment.
[Complete Fanaccount] 121106 Kris Birthday Party (Part
source: DC-옥만두
The question segment starts. Chen was hesitating because he didn’t
know what to do. A sunbae in the MC field, Xiumin then told him “Just
follow what it says on the board~”. He went on “Look, we have done the
cutting (of the cake) right? Now we commence the question segment!” and
he told Chen to host while sitting down.Tao was the first to pick a question. The question he picked was “The most valuable object”. He held the paper in his hands, and walked to the front as he read it out loud with a puzzled face “The… most…… valuable…..” and the fans all shouted together “Object!!” to finish his sentence. Then he repeated the phrase again in an orderly manner.
Kris said he doesn’t really have a most valuable object, and the members pointed at Ace. He said Ace is not an object. Then he imitated Ace’s voice and said “Pa, thank you, for not regarding me as an object!”
After that he said that the most valuable objects to him are fan letters. This time he has received a book compilation of fan letters, and he has not had the time to read them yet. But they are valuable to him all the same. The book seems to be the fanbook prepared by DC.
Chen picked “Sing a song”. Chen said that as the main singer he really wanted to pick this question. Kris had said that he can only rap, and therefore cannot sing much, but after listening to him sing, he sounded pretty good. Xiumin then said ‘If it is like this, we can change the main singer already!” Kris said “I only have my eyes on the main dancer position” and asked Dancing Machine Chen to watch out. He then sang <Angel>, the part “只要是你和我一起走下去..” His voice was a little husky, and it sounded really nice.
Xiumin picked “Do a model pose”, and the fans asked them both to pose together, and Xiumin asked them not to force him to his “doom”. But the fans were really persistent, and he said “Then I’ll just follow what Kris does, even though our body proportions are not the same.” Kris put on the sunglasses, held Ace and catwalked. Xiumin then followed suit and put on the sunglasses, and was all pumped up to walk. Kris was checking him from the side and said that the way he holds Ace is wrong, and that he must not cross his legs when he walks. But Xiumin still walked cross-legged. Chen then remarked “It really looks like a middle-aged man after work who is walking back home after having a drink, swaying here and there, slant and crooked.” Kris praised Xiumin, and said that if they were to receive such questions in the future, Xiumin would be the one doing it instead of him. Then Xiumin replied “So will you do the cute expressions then?” And the both of them bickered with each other.
Lu Han picked “Perform aegyo”. The fans asked Lu Han to demonstrate one together, and they were yelling his name really loudly. Lu Han then yellled “Xiumin!” many times on his own, and said that Xiumin will represent him and do one. Although Lu Han was pulled out to the front, he broke away and hid behind Kris. Lu Han then pulled Xiumin out, but he hid behind Lu Han. Then it was decided that Kris should do it first. The fans asked him to use his hands and cover the sides of his face, and he went “Like this?” and did so but discontinued it after a while. Then he grumbled as to what he should do. He said he had invented this one himself, and proceeded to put his fingers at the sides of his face and said “Buing buing~”.
The fans started to shout for Lu Han again, and Lu Han looked really shy and reluctant to do it, but he still came forward, and said “After I do this, Xiumin must do one too!” He still wouldn’t let Xiumin off. Then he did a “Buing buing~” like what he did during the Zhenjiang Music Festival. Xiumin came forward, and wanted to do what Kris did previously, so he asked Kris to teach him. Kris said “So does this mean I have to do it for the second time?” and put his fingers at the side of his face again, and said through the microphone “Buing buing~” and went on to explain for a little bit. Xiumin put on a “Baozi” expression, held two fingers up on his head, and said “Buing buing~”.
Lay picked “The most touching moment”. Kris said he already feels very touched at this moment, but they asked him to tell of one particular moment. Lay said “From the beginning till now~” Kris said “From birth till now?”, then he thought for a moment, and answered “The moment when I met Lay for the first time.” The fans laughed. Lay then said in a serious tone “I also think that’s a possibility!” and went on about how there were not many chinese trainees at that time, so when he met Kris he thought to himself “Could we perhaps become friends?”#sebelumnya maaf, aq cm koment yg ini doang, aq bayangin di otak q kejadiannya sprti ini dan ini cuma karangan aq ya.. yg kejadian asli yg berbahasa inggris >
Lay maju kedepan memilih pertanyaan yg harus dijawab Kris dan yg dia pilih adalah "moment yg paling berkesan dan menyentuh" dan Kris menjawab "Menurutku saat ini aq sudah merasa sangat tersentuh", tapi fans2 tidak terima dgn jawaban Kris dan menyuruhnya menjawab lagi kecuali yg sekarang. Dan Lay tiba2 berkomentar "dari awal sampe sekarang, dodol!" XD dan Kris bilang "oh..dari Lahir sampe sekarang??ngomong dong dari tadi!" lalu Kris berpikir sejenak kira2 selama 5detik lah dan akhirnya dia menjawab "Moment saat aq pertama kali bertemu Lay" semua fans tertawa ngakak beda bgt sama ekspresi datar Xiumin,Luhan,Tao,dan Chen begitu mendengar pernyataan Kris itu, Luhan berbisik ke Xiumin "Huft, mulai lg deh pengakuan perasaannya.." Xiumin balik berbisik ke Luhan "iya,lagian Kris aneh bgt masa' moment yg paling berkesan saat pertama bertemu Lay, padahal kan pertanyaannya dari Lahir sampe sekarang lho!" Luhan berbisik lagi sampe2 bibirnya menyentuh kuping Xiumin saking takutnya ada yg denger "iya, Kris bukannya jawab saat menerima piala kemaren itu atau saat pertama kali ibunya membawanya ke ragunan kek!" lalu Tao yg pendengarannya tajam mendengar saat Xiuhan bergosip bergumam "maklum.. yg lg kasmaran, biarin aja..toh kita udah sering di jadiin obat nyamuk ma mereka , aduh kapan nih giliran makan kuenya, udah laper tau!"(sambil ngelap ilernya),Chen yg melihat iler Tao kemudian mengambil serbet dan memberikannya ke Tao "makanya jgn makanan mulu yg dipikirin" kata Chen lalu kembali fokus perhatiin KrisLay Chen penasaran sama apa yg akan terjadi selanjutnya. Lay yg melihat ekspresi fans yg tersenyum bahkan ada tertawa hanya bisa bergerutu dalam hati (Sialan lo Kris, pke acara ngomong gitu bisa2 semua org bisa salah paham!) sambil menggaruk belakang telinganya yg tidak gatal Lay lalu mencoba menjelaskan dgn serius "jawaban Kris mungkin masuk akal juga soalnya waktu itu hanya sedikit trainer yg ditraining berasal dari China jadi saat berjumpa dgn Kris aq sempat pikir "bisakah kita jadi teman?" Fans2 berteriak "OH....BEGITU" dan pas Lay berbalik melihat ke Kris si Kris malah sibuk maenin si ACE =,="
[Complete Fanaccount] 121106 Kris Birthday Party (Part
source: DC-옥만두
(This is in addition to the singing part earlier) Chen asked
Tao to sing “Three Bears”, but Tao said he previously attempted to sing a
song from <My Girlfriend is a Gumiho> during his birthday party,
and he wants to sing it properly this time. Then he asked “Should I sing
it in a cuter manner? Or in a handsomer manner?” The fans answered
“Cuter~”, and he sang it in a really adorable way.Then Tao said that when he sings this song in the dorm and calls out to Lu Han, Lu Han would mutter to himself first “What..what.. this sae ggi (fellow)” before turning his head to look at Tao. Tao also revealed that he calls Lu Han “Crazy frog” back in the dorms, and Lu Han exclaimed at him “Get out!”. Chen and Xiumin hastily asked Tao to stop, and said that they can’t let him talk like this. The fans asked ‘Isn’t this a casual event? Its not even a recording..” Chen and Xiumin answered “No, this is an official public event.”
When everyone was talking, Tao was looking stoned, and yawned many times. He explained that it was because he took his medicine before coming here. The fans became worried and asked him what medicine he was taking. We couldn’t hear him properly, but it was the kind of medicine that makes a person sleepy. Xiumin said “We are very sorry, please keep an eye on him, and if he actually sleeps, just let me know!” Then he immediately asked Tao to go up and pick a question. Tao picked “Did you study well?” and Xiumin quickly said “Of course he did! He knows three languages!” But Chen said “He might know three languages, but how he did in school could be a different story altogether..” Xiumin then told them “I did pretty well in my studies..” and the fans went “Wow~”. But he quickly added “When I was younger!”
Kris said without hesitation that he did well in his studies, and was good in sports as well. None of the members agreed to this. Tao said “Then you could become a kungfu panda! Anyeonghaseyo, I am the all-rounded kungfu panda, Kris-imnida!” and Xiumin added in “Right, kungfu panda, kungfu panda!”
Chen picked “Why do you hate seafood?”. Kris says he has a funny reason to this. Xiumin added that it isn’t really funny, but it’s all right. Kris asked Xiumin if he was thinking what he was thinking, and after confirming that they were in fact thinking the same thing, he told everyone the reason. He said when he was still in his mom’s womb, his mom wanted to to ensure that his brain was well-developed, thus she ate seafood every day. For those 10 months, he couldn’t tell his mom “Mom, I hate it!”, so she was eating seafood for 10 months, and after he was born he hated the smell and taste of seafood. Sometimes he would find a particular seafood dish that looks delicious, but he still wouldn’t eat it. Then Chen said “But recently you have been eating a lot of eels and you ate them deliciously..” Kris said “Oh, that’s because I’ve heard that eels are good for the male body.” and added that he eats them because of the fans. Chen and Xiumin then lost it at this point (because he mentioned that eels are good for the male body and by saying he eats it for the fan girls…) and the fans also burst in laughter. Chen’s face became red, and he tried his best to calm things down by correcting Kris “I eat it because it is good for the body..”. Xiumin said “You explain this really well..” Then a fan asked “What about fish tail?” Xiumin answered that all the fish tails have been eaten by him. While they were dwelling on the topic of health, Lay took this opportunity and told everyone that he has something to say. He knows that he hasn’t been taking good care of his health recently, and therefore very sorry for this. Chen asked him to eat more eels and fish tails too.
[Complete Fanaccount]
121106 Kris Birthday Party (Part 5
- Final)
source: DC-옥만두
When Xiumin went up to pick a question, he thought for a long
time and said “Ah, if I choose this, will I be in danger?” and chose
“Informal language time”. (The oldest and the youngest reverse roles)Tao who looked really sleepy from the beginning till now, suddenly sparkled in interest at this. He told Xiumin “Because you’re korean, that’s why its really difficult for me!” and sighed. He turned to Kris and said “You just wait, when we get back to the dorms…” Then he told Lay “You must not hurt your waist, if you hurt it again..” *raises his hand to hit him*; Lay responded by mimicking Tao’s korean and said “kang sa ha mi da”. After all this, Tao hastily apologized “Please don’t kill me when we go back..”
Chen told Xiumin “When you use the bathroom…”. The fans became silent as they eagerly wait for him to continue. “When you use the bathroom, do it quickly! You take too long!” He couldn’t use “Minseok” so he called Xiumin “Umin”. Chen went on to say that whenever he is about to use the bathroom, Xiumin would ask him to let him use it first, reason being that he would use the bathroom very quickly so the others can use it after him. However Xiumin always ends up using the bathroom for a very long time.
Tao agreed. After getting out of bed in the morning, Tao would go to the bathroom, and sometimes he would realize that someone is already showering inside by standing outside the door. Then he would ask “Xiumin-shi? Is it Xiumin-shi?”. If it is indeed Xiumin, there would be a problem.
Back to the game, Chen told Kris “I have nothing much to say to you. So it’s your birthday? Happy birthday to you..” Xiumin said “Even though they may sound good to the ears, it doesn’t feel nice at all..” Chen asked him “Are you upset then?”, and Xiumin just muttered a “Yo~” after Chen’s sentence. (“Yo” is a formal way of saying things)
Chen had a favour to ask from Lu Han. “Can I sit on your bed?” and Lu Han very adamantly said “That is not possible, hyung”. Chen muttered “So our relationship has not reached that stage yet, the stage of sharing a bed..” Lu Han reiterated that it will never be possible.
After a round Xiumin asked Lay if he has anything to say, and he answered “No.” The 90-liners were very happy, especially Xiumin who said “Our kindhearted Lay!”. Then Chen who hadn’t talked about Lay yet interrupted here, and said “Ah, I haven’t spoken of Lay yet.. This fellow, you cannot be like this!” At this moment, Chen was feeling the heat, especially from Xiumin’s burning eyes. So he told Xiumin “Hyung, I’ll give you the right to use the bathroom for as long as you want.” Then he muttered “Ah.. I’ve made hyung angry..” and didn’t know what to do.
Tao, on the other hand, continued addressing the members informally even after the game ended. The members remarked that Tao’s words were a little vicious. Later, they started talking about the group’s plans, and after this Tao asked “So what are we doing on which day again?” even though it was just previously mentioned.
After signing autographs, Xiumin carried the table away and said “This is the strength acquired from the eels.”
(Note: here the fans said “long” which can also mean “tall” in its context; long torso, long legs)
When each of them went forward to pick a question, the fans would go “So long~ So handsome” etc. When it was Chen’s turn, the fans shouted “So long!”. Lu Han told the fans “Don’t lie…”; and Xiumin who was at the back, looked like he couldn’t believe his ears, and asked “What is long?” The fans answered “His neck, his fingers!” Then when it was Xiumin’s turn, the fans went “So long..” again, and Chen said “Fingers!” Xiumin then used his fingers and made some elaborate movement to pick a question. Lay was being very cool; when it was time for him to pick a question from the question board, he took the question board back to his spot and chose from there. He told the other members that he would be taking some time, so he asked them to chat with each other for the time being.
(Additional) On the birthday cake, there was a picture of Kris’s drawing of a rhinoceros on it. Kris said that while his writing is bad, he can actually draw and give signatures pretty well. Chen mentioned a koala and a rhinoceros. Kris explained that they are a family, because they start with the same letter (in korean) and that is why he drew them quite similarly. After that, he diligently examined Ace and made 3 drawings of it, and the lucky fans who got picked in the draw were allowed to choose one that they liked out of the 3 drawings.
It seems that the event was monitored quite strictly. Xiumin accidentally called Lay “Yixing” in the middle of the event, and he said “Ah.. I made a mistake..” and became very flustered. Chen told him “They are most probably going to call us in for a meeting today..”
cr: 海天月夜 ; 生菜蝈蝈 ; 海天夜月 ; 青都没了只剩春,so_yeolTranslated by: wisdom-of-the-moon @ Tumblr
KLIK DISINI untuk part 34
Eits.. tunggu bentar, ada yg mau aq kasih info ttg fanfic yg berjudul "48 HOURS"?? yap, ternyata ada temen2 exotic yg nerjemahin fanfic 48 hours kedalam bahasa indonesia, aq jg baru nemu kemaren blognya(bener2 ketinggalan T_T) Tapi sebelum baca chapter 1 nya kalian harus baca PROLOGnya dulu, karena klo kalian langsung baca ke chapter 1 aq jamin kalian gak akan ngerti alur ceritanya, ini link PROLOG nya > http://exo-i.blogspot.com/2012/10/48-hours.html
dan untuk pilihan chapter-nya kalian bisa klik ke sini > http://exo-i.blogspot.com/search/label/48%20hours
KRAYACE Moment just SO -very much- SWEET..
BalasHapusiyaa,,, sweeetttt KRAYCE
Hapusdi tunggu 4nya, dan part selanjutnya. makasih lia yang udah bikin fanfic ini. suka banget sama krislay
BalasHapusini fanaccount cingu ^^ bukan fanfic, fanaccount itu fakta dan kenyataan sedangkan fanfic itu karangan dan fiksi ^_^
BalasHapusyap salah, maksudnya fanaccount min. gomawo
Hapusholla admin.
BalasHapusane balik lagi. hoho.. :D
yes.. aku udah baca di tumblr, tapi kayaknya gak afdhol kalo gak buka blog ini juga. aku suka sama komentar admin tentang Kray. persis banget sama yang aku pikirkan. :D
yang lucunya habis kris memperkenalkan ace sebagai anaknya, Taoris shipper sama Kray shipper ribut gitu tentang siapa ibunya ace. ngakak aja liat dash penuh sama keributan mereka. hahaha.. :D
sebagai Kray shipper, aku sih percaya aja deh sama takdir Tuhan kalo kris sama lay memang berjodoh.
apalagi pernyataan cinta kris ke lay, "Lay saranghaeyo." itu kurang apalagi coba? it's so REAL~~~ (kayak albumnya IU. hehe) (eh, maaf. jadi kebanyakan ngoceh gini)
ditunggu part selanjutnya, min. :D
iya nih sedih bgt klo ada yg ngebash Kray, ayolah buka deh mata kalian klo perlu kasih penjepit kertas tuh mata ^^,perhatiin dgn seksama moment kray itu lebih intim dan natural, krna mereka itu realllll you know!!!muncul sendiri dan tak terduga,
Hapusdan ibunya ACE itu hanya Lay, dan aq yakin Kris gak mungkin ngakuin itu di depan umum, palingan dia akan bilang ibunya itu adalah fans2nya tp pas di dorm tentu saja ibu aslinya adalah Lay ^^ #sadar2 itu cm boneka gk usah di rebutin napa
Fixed. Ace anaknya Kris sama Lay!!; Kenapa moment mereka MANISSSSS BANGET SIH...????Kasihan jantung saya....^^
BalasHapusDitunggu update-an selanjutnya...
iya manis bgt semanis perment favorit q ^^
Hapusbtw, kl km baca ff ku yg THE LITTLE THINGS. yg notabene q ngarangnya seminggu yang lalu, sebelum ultah kris, di ff itu waktu lay minta saran dr luhan ttg kado yg oke wat kris, luhan ngusulin lay ngasih UMDERWEAR SELUSIN!!! ternyataaaaaa Luhan yg milihin dan Chen yang bayar, BENERAN TERJADI SEMINGGU KEMUDIAN SEJAK FFKU TERBIT!!!
BalasHapuslalu lay akhirnya ngirim kartu ucapan dg puisi di dalamnya dan selembar surat tentang hal2 kecil pada diri kris yg bikin dy jatuh cinta. AND LAY REALLY GAVE KRIS A LETTER FOR HIS BIRTHDAY A WEEK LATER AFTER I PUBLISH MY FIC.
atau jgn2 anak2 exo-m pada ikutan baca ffku ya? #ngaco
iya, tadinya q gak percaya klo beneran Lay ngasih surat seperti di ff kakak, kakak bener2 kayak mama lauren peramal yg terkenal itu.hahhahahha...
Hapusoke selanjutnya mereka bakal apalagi nih kak??tolong di ramal plis..hehhee
udah beberapa kali ke blog ini tapi baru bisa komen sekarang hehehe, nggak papa kan?
BalasHapusim glad to know that there's fanxing shipper in ina. bcs u know lah, susah bgt nemuinnya (tapi sekarang kayaknya fanxing mulai populer deh ya hehehe :3)
seneng artikel ini terus diupdate, jadi bolak-balik ngecek blog ini
okay pas aku baca kris bday's fanacc, aku kayak 'ha?' gitu pas kris jawab the most touching moment was the first time he met yixing. like srsly, from the birth till now? nggak nyangka aja gitu
trus juga pas dia pura-pura jadi anaknya dan bilang 'lay saranghaeyo'............... (using ur son as an excuse, eh? /ignore)
bukan cm itu, di acara china big love song gathering pas kris ama lay ditanyain ttg org pertama yg ditemuin pas trainee, kris blg lay, pas itu agak pendek atau masih setinggi sekarang, trs kesannya 'not bad' kata kris. eh, pas ditanya ama mc nya, kok kayak lg dating aja. kris ketawa canggung bgt. hahaha ampun deh. terlalu banyak moment2 yg tanpa sengaja mereka perlihatin. di JK interview, pas xiumin milih lay sbg org yg bakal ditembaknya, eh kris reaksinya berlebihan en abis itu dy minta xiumin nembak dia aja. haddeeeh awkward bgt tuh cara bicaranya kris ahahaha
Hapusoh ya q ada 14 judul ff kray di mejiemagic.wordpress.com silakan mampir. :))
nyak, this is cn-red hahahahahaha
Hapusgpp kok cingu, semua org berhak jd silent reader, itu sdh mutlak dan aq jg gak ambil pusing kok ^_^. pas liat ternyata yg view byak tiap part aja itu sdh bikin aq seneng.
BalasHapus..yap, bner bgt,kejadian "lay saranghaeyo" itu adalah pernyataan cinta secara tak langsung dr Kris ^^ atau jgn2 saat itu sebenarnya dia keceplosan ^^
Krislay udah buat anak ternyata :D